About Arielle
Arielle Shifberg-Mencher is a professional dog trainer, walker, and teacher in Southern California open to taking on new clients. With over 10 years of experience working with dogs, Arielle has worked with over 200 clients sharing her training in cognitive behavioral psychology and strategies in improving the lives of dogs. As a certified dog trainer through A.B.C. (Animal Behavior College), she has trained and guided over 350 dogs. Over a number of years, Arielle has led a small community of dog lovers to meet and socialize through structured puppy classes and personalized dog outings.
Through every positive improvement from dog training or dog walking Arielle continues to find the necessity for behavioral psychology. No matter how good or bad, no matter how hopeless they may seem, Arielle never gives up in helping a beloved pet reach a new level of happiness. Our dogs are more then pets, they are our family members and they deserve just as much love and respect. Through her years of learning dog ethology she has learned the importance of leadership and communication between the owner and their dog. Arielle has had many types of dogs, young and old, hyper or timid, but she has never found one that hasn’t improved by her approach in dog training.
As a dog lover herself, Arielle lives to help animals and loves meeting with new clients to discuss all the benefits of proper animal care. She currently resides in Orange County caring for many animals while running her own business as a rewarding livelihood.